commit 7cfe539edac0ba47d1dfa51aa19806b2a7795e76
Author: Luxferre <lux@ferre>
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 10:29:28 +0200
First upload
11 files changed, 1265 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+[submodule "engines/dale-8a"]
+ path = engines/dale-8a
+ url = git://
+[submodule "games/nnfc"]
+ path = games/nnfc
+ url = git://
+[submodule "games/awlite"]
+ path = games/awlite
+ url = git://
diff --git a/README b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+AWK Gold Collection: my best software created for POSIX AWK
+In this repo, I decided to collect all useful software I have written in AWK
+throughout the recent years. All of it is strictly POSIX-compliant. The list
+is divided into three directories: engines, games and utils.
+Some software contains its own README files, please read them carefully.
+Other AWK scripts have the usage described in their comment headers.
+= Emulators, interpreters and game engines =
+* engines/awpix.awk: Pix64 game engine port (prototype)
+* engines/dale-8a: CHIP-8 virtual machine port
+ (a submodule from git://
+* engines/lvtl.awk: VTL-2 programming language interpreter
+* engines/subleq.awk: Subleq-16 VM port (can run .dec files)
+* engines/tch.awk: TinyChoice game engine port
+= Games =
+* games/nnfc: FreeCell solitaire game
+ (a submodule from git://
+* games/awlite: Text Elite 1.5 port with further improvements and fixes
+ (a submodule from git://
+= Utilities =
+* utils/textereo.awk: ASCII art stereogram generator
+* utils/tgl.awk: The Great Library of useful functions missing in POSIX AWK
+--- Luxferre ---
diff --git a/engines/awpix.awk b/engines/awpix.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+#!/sbin/env awk -f
+# AWPix - a prototype port of Pix64 console to POSIX AWK
+# Requires png2ppm command (netpbm package) to decode PNG carts
+# Usage: LANG=C awk -f awpix.awk cart.png[ cart_2.png] ...
+# Controls: WASD - movement, R - reset, Esc - exit
+# Created by Luxferre in 2023, released into public domain
+# fatal error reporting function
+function trapout(msg) {
+ shutdown()
+ cmd = "cat 1>&2"
+ printf("Fatal: %s\n", msg) | cmd
+ close(cmd)
+ exit(1)
+# graceful shutdown function - restore the terminal state
+function shutdown() {printf(SCR_CLR); altbufoff(); close(KEY_INPUT_STREAM); setterm(0)}
+# terminal control routines
+function altbufon() {printf("\033[?47h")}
+function altbufoff() {printf("\033[?47l")}
+function setterm(mode, cmd) {
+ if(system("stty >/dev/null 2>&1")) return 0 # exit code 0 means we're in a tty
+ if(!TGL_TERMMODE) { # cache the original terminal input mode
+ (cmd = "stty -g") | getline TGL_TERMMODE
+ close(cmd)
+ }
+ if(mode == 1) cmd = "-icanon"
+ else if(mode == 2) cmd = "-icanon -echo"
+ else if(mode == 3) cmd = "-icanon time 0 min 0 -echo"
+ else cmd = TGL_TERMMODE # restore the original mode
+ return system("stty " cmd ">/dev/null 2>&1") # execute the stty command
+function readkeynb(key) { # read a key, non-blocking fashion
+ KEY_INPUT_STREAM | getline key # open the subprocess
+ key = int(key) # read the key state
+ if(key == 27) {shutdown(); exit(0)} # exit on Esc
+ if(key == 119 || key == 87) return 1 # W
+ if(key == 115 || key == 83) return 2 # S
+ if(key == 97 || key == 65) return 4 # A
+ if(key == 100 || key == 68) return 8 # D
+ if(key == 114 || key == 82) return 16 # R
+ return -1 # if not found, return -1
+# draw a pixel pair according to the color codes
+function getcolorpxl(val1, val2) {
+ return sprintf("\033[3%u;4%um\342\226\200", val1, val2)
+# all main rendering is done offscreen and then a single printf is called
+function drawscreen(s, i) {
+ s = SCR_CLR # clear the screen
+ for(i=screenWidth;i<screenSize;i++) {
+ # render two pixel lines into one text line
+ s = s getcolorpxl(screen[i-screenWidth], screen[i])
+ if((i % screenWidth) == (screenWidth - 1)) {
+ s = s "\n"
+ i += screenWidth
+ }
+ }
+ s = s SCR_SRESET # reset styling
+ printf("%s", s) # output everything
+# show the game over banner
+function showGameover(w, h, x, y, i, j, datastr, banner) {
+ w = 35 # banner width
+ h = 5 # banner height
+ x = int((screenWidth - w) / 2) # start x position
+ y = int((screenHeight - h) / 2) # start y position
+ datastr = \
+ "0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 " \
+ "1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 " \
+ "1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 " \
+ "1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 " \
+ "0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1"
+ split(datastr, banner)
+ for(i=0;i<screenSize;i++) screen[i] = 0 # clear the screen
+ # fill the banner
+ for(j=0;j<h;j++)
+ for(i=0;i<w;i++)
+ screen[(y+j) * screenWidth + x + i] = banner[1 + j*w + i]
+# show the victory banner
+function showVictory(w, h, x, y, i, j, datastr, banner) {
+ w = 27 # banner width
+ h = 5 # banner height
+ x = int((screenWidth - w) / 2) # start x position
+ y = int((screenHeight - h) / 2) # start y position
+ datastr = \
+ "2 0 2 0 2 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 2 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 2 " \
+ "2 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 " \
+ "2 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 " \
+ "2 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 " \
+ "0 2 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 "
+ split(datastr, banner)
+ for(i=0;i<screenSize;i++) screen[i] = 0 # clear the screen
+ # fill the banner
+ for(j=0;j<h;j++)
+ for(i=0;i<w;i++)
+ screen[(y+j) * screenWidth + x + i] = banner[1 + j*w + i]
+# game logic implemented here
+function getPos(x, y) { # calculate the actual screen position
+ x = (screenWidth + x) % screenWidth
+ y = (screenHeight + y) % screenHeight
+ return y * screenWidth + x
+# locate and initialize all sprite objects
+# a sprite here is a sequence of connected same-color pixels
+# any spritemem entry is a sequence of numbers:
+# color pos1 pos2 pos3 ...
+function initsprite(pos, color, sid, x, y, i, scross, si) {
+ if(screen[pos] != color) return # do nothing if the color doesn't match
+ # restore the coordinates (it's more convenient)
+ x = pos % screenWidth
+ y = int(pos / screenWidth)
+ if(!(sid in spritemem)) { # first-time sprite adding logic
+ spritemem[sid] = color # start the sprite line
+ if(color == 1) enemies[sid] = sid
+ else if(color == 2) {goals[sid] = sid; goalCount++}
+ else if(color == 3) barriers[sid] = sid
+ else if(color == 6) players[sid] = sid
+ else if(color == 7) walls[sid] = sid
+ }
+ split("", scross) # init sprite cross
+ scross[0] = pos
+ si = 1 # sprite cross index
+ # try to identify same sprite pixels on the same line and column
+ for(i=1;i<screenWidth;i++) {
+ pos = getPos(x+i, y)
+ if(screen[pos] == color)
+ scross[si++] = pos # append this position
+ else break
+ }
+ for(i=1;i<screenWidth;i++) {
+ pos = getPos(x-i, y)
+ if(screen[pos] == color)
+ scross[si++] = pos # append this position
+ else break
+ }
+ for(i=1;i<screenHeight;i++) {
+ pos = getPos(x, y+i)
+ if(screen[pos] == color)
+ scross[si++] = pos # append this position
+ else break
+ }
+ for(i=1;i<screenHeight;i++) {
+ pos = getPos(x, y-i)
+ if(screen[pos] == color)
+ scross[si++] = pos # append this position
+ else break
+ }
+ for(i in scross) { # iterate over the cross
+ screen[scross[i]] = 0 # clear this pixel
+ spritemem[sid] = spritemem[sid] " " scross[i]
+ x = scross[i] % screenWidth
+ y = int(scross[i] / screenWidth)
+ # now, recursively call this function for all edges
+ pos = getPos(x - 1, y - 1) # upper left
+ if(screen[pos] == color) initsprite(pos, color, sid)
+ pos = getPos(x + 1, y - 1) # upper right
+ if(screen[pos] == color) initsprite(pos, color, sid)
+ pos = getPos(x - 1, y + 1) # lower left
+ if(screen[pos] == color) initsprite(pos, color, sid)
+ pos = getPos(x + 1, y + 1) # lower right
+ if(screen[pos] == color) initsprite(pos, color, sid)
+ }
+function buildsprites(sid, pos) {
+ spritemem[0] = 0 # the first entry is always 0
+ sid = 1 # start from sprite id 1
+ for(pos=0;pos<screenSize;pos++) {
+ if(screen[pos] > 0) # non-empty pixel
+ initsprite(pos, screen[pos], sid++)
+ }
+# find a sprite ID by the screen position
+# return 0 if not found
+function findsprite(pos, sid, i, l, tarr) {
+ for(sid in spritemem) {
+ l = split(spritemem[sid], tarr)
+ for(i=2;i<=l;i++)
+ if(int(tarr[i]) == pos) return sid
+ }
+ return 0
+# raw sprite movement (no blitting)
+function movesprite(sid, dx, dy, px, py, tarr, rs, i, l) {
+ if(dx == 0 && dy == 0) return spritemem[sid]
+ l = split(spritemem[sid], tarr)
+ rs = int(tarr[1]) # start the resulting sprite line
+ for(i=2;i<=l;i++) {
+ px = int(tarr[i]) % screenWidth
+ py = int(int(tarr[i]) / screenWidth)
+ rs = rs " " getPos(px + dx, py + dy)
+ }
+ return rs
+# collision detection function that takes sprite ID and target X/Y
+# return value:
+# 0 if no collisions
+# 1 if collision CANNOT be resolved
+# 2 if collision was resolved by the deletion of a sprite
+# 3 if collision leads to game over
+# 4 if collision leads to victory
+function collide(sid, dx, dy, tarr, i, l, dsid, pos, stype, dtype, cst) {
+ l = split(movesprite(sid, dx, dy), tarr) # temporary move
+ cst = 0 # collision status
+ stype = int(tarr[1]) # source pixel type
+ for(i=2;i<=l;i++) { # collision detection loop
+ pos = tarr[i] # get current position
+ dtype = screen[pos] # get destination pixel type
+ if(dtype > 0 && (dsid = findsprite(pos)) != sid) { # collision detected
+ if((stype == 6 && dtype == 1) || (stype == 1 && dtype == 6))
+ return 3 # player-enemy collision, game over
+ else if((stype == 6 && dtype == 3) || (stype == 3 && dtype == 6)) {
+ # player-barrier collision
+ if(cst != 1) cst = 2
+ sweeps[stype == 3 ? sid : dsid] = 1
+ break
+ }
+ else if((stype == 6 && dtype == 2) || (stype == 2 && dtype == 6)) {
+ # player-goal collision
+ if(cst != 1) cst = 2
+ goalCount--
+ sweeps[stype == 2 ? sid : dsid] = 1
+ break
+ }
+ else { # any other type of collision is marked as unresolved
+ cst = 1
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(goalCount <= 0) return 4 # victory condition
+ return cst
+# draw a single sprite onto the screen
+function drawsprite(sid, tarr, i, l) {
+ if(sid in spritemem) { # sprite still here => let's draw
+ l = split(spritemem[sid], tarr)
+ for(i=2;i<=l;i++) # actual drawing loop
+ screen[tarr[i]] = tarr[1] # draw this pixel
+ }
+# sprite auto-movement engine
+# some quicksort implementation
+function qsort(A, left, right, i, last) {
+ if(left >= right) return
+ swap(A, left, left+int((right-left+1)*rand()))
+ last = left
+ for(i = left+1; i <= right; i++)
+ if(int(A[i]) < int(A[left]))
+ swap(A, ++last, i)
+ swap(A, left, last)
+ qsort(A, left, last-1)
+ qsort(A, last+1, right)
+function swap(A, i, j, t) {
+ t = A[i]; A[i] = A[j]; A[j] = t
+# uniq implementation
+function uniq(A, l, tmpx, i, c) {
+ for(i in A) {
+ tmpx[int(A[i])] = i
+ delete A[i]
+ }
+ c = 1 # counter
+ for(i in tmpx) {
+ A[c++] = int(i)
+ delete tmpx[i]
+ }
+ return c-1 # new length of A
+# detect the box under which the sprite pixels are drawn
+# return the following concatenated values:
+# width height startx starty
+function detectbox(pxl, l, i, x, y, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) {
+ maxx = maxy = 0
+ minx = screenWidth
+ miny = screenHeight
+ for(i=1;i<=l;i++) {
+ x = pxl[i] % screenWidth
+ y = int(pxl[i] / screenWidth)
+ if(x > maxx) maxx = x
+ if(y > maxy) maxy = y
+ if(x < minx) minx = x
+ if(y < miny) miny = y
+ }
+ return (maxx - minx + 1) " " (maxy - miny + 1) " " minx " " miny
+function abs(v) {return v < 0 ? -v : v}
+# detect movement direction from the sorted sprite shape
+# returned direction value is:
+# up-left 5
+# up 1
+# up-right 9
+# left 4
+# right 8
+# down-left 6
+# down 2
+# down-right 10
+function detectdir(pxl, l, i, sw, sh, md, xs, box, f, hf) {
+ if(l%2 == 0 || l < 3) return 0 # all arrows have odd number of pixels
+ split(detectbox(pxl, l), box)
+ sw = box[1] # sprite width
+ sh = box[2] # sprite height
+ md = sw < sh ? sw : sh # minimum dimension
+ if(md < 2) return 0 # all arrow sprites are at least 2x2
+ if(l != 2*md - 1) return 0 # all arrow sprites have 2*md - 1 entries
+ split("", xs) # clear x coordinate vector
+ for(i=1;i<=l;i++) xs[i-1] = (pxl[i] % screenWidth) - box[3]
+ # now, we have a clear pattern of X coordinate numbers
+ # (because the pixels are ordered, we don't need to check Y coordinates)
+ if(sw == sh) { # diagonal movement is only defined for square boxes
+ hf = 1 # horizontal line detection flag
+ for(i=0;i<sw;i++) hf = hf && (xs[i] == i)
+ if(hf) { # up-left or up-right
+ f = 1 # detection flag
+ for(i=sw;i<(2*sw)-1;i++) f = f && (xs[i] == 0)
+ if(f) return 5 # up-left
+ f = 1 # detection flag
+ for(i=sw;i<(2*sw)-1;i++) f = f && (xs[i] == (sw-1))
+ if(f) return 9 # up-right
+ }
+ hf = 1 # horizontal line detection flag
+ for(i=sw-1;i<(2*sw)-1;i++) hf = hf && (xs[i] == (i-sw+1))
+ if(hf) { # down-left or down-right
+ f = 1 # detection flag
+ for(i=0;i<sw-1;i++) f = f && (xs[i] == 0)
+ if(f) return 6 # down-left
+ f = 1 # detection flag
+ for(i=0;i<sw-1;i++) f = f && (xs[i] == sw-1)
+ if(f) return 10 # down-right
+ }
+ } else if(sw == 2*sh - 1) { # try to detect a vertically moving arrow
+ f = 1 # detection flag
+ for(i=0;i<l;i++)
+ f = f && (xs[i] == sh - 1 + int((i+1)/2)*(i%2 ? -1 : 1))
+ if(f) return 1 # arrow up detected
+ f = 1 # detection flag
+ for(i=0;i<l;i++)
+ f = f && (xs[l - 1 - i] == sh - 1 + int((i+1)/2)*(i%2 ? 1 : -1))
+ if(f) return 2 # arrow down detected
+ } else if(sh == 2*sw - 1) { # try to detect a horizontally moving arrow
+ f = 1 # detection flag
+ for(i=0;i<l;i++) f = f && (xs[i] == abs(sw - i - 1))
+ if(f) return 4 # arrow left detected
+ f = 1 # detection flag
+ for(i=0;i<l;i++) f = f && (xs[i] == sw - abs(sw - i - 1) - 1)
+ if(f) return 8 # arrow right detected
+ }
+ return 0 # no movement detected
+# detect auto-moving sprites from sprite memory
+function buildautos(sid, tarr, i, l, pxl, rs) {
+ split("", autos) # clear the array
+ for(sid in spritemem) {
+ l = split(spritemem[sid], tarr)
+ split("", pxl) # clear the pixel array
+ for(i=2;i<=l;i++) # iterate over pixel positions
+ pxl[i-1] = int(tarr[i])
+ l-- # get the pixel array length into l
+ l = uniq(pxl, l)
+ qsort(pxl, 1, l) # get sorted pixel positions into pxl
+ rs = int(tarr[1]) # build the sorted sprite
+ for(i=1;i<=l;i++) rs = rs " " pxl[i]
+ spritemem[sid] = rs # save the sorted sprite
+ if((rs = detectdir(pxl, l)) > 0) # arrow sprite detected
+ autos[sid] = rs # save the direction
+ }
+# flip an auto-moving sprite direction and redraw it
+function flipdirection(sid, fliph, flipv, tarr, i, l, pxl, \
+ dir, rs, box, x, y, sw, sh, sx, sy) {
+ # change the direction
+ dir = int(autos[sid])
+ if(flipv && (dir%4)) # vertical flip logic
+ dir = int(dir/4) * 4 + (3 - (dir%4))
+ if(fliph && int(dir/4)) # horizontal flip logic
+ dir = (int(dir/8) ? 4 : 8) + (dir%4)
+ autos[sid] = dir
+ # redraw the sprite
+ l = split(spritemem[sid], tarr)
+ rs = tarr[1] # start the resulting sprite line
+ split("", pxl) # clear the pixel array
+ for(i=2;i<=l;i++) # iterate over pixel positions
+ pxl[i-1] = int(tarr[i])
+ l-- # get the pixel array length into l
+ split(detectbox(pxl, l), box) # get the box
+ sw = box[1] # sprite width
+ sh = box[2] # sprite height
+ sx = box[3] # start x coord
+ sy = box[4] # start y coord
+ for(i in pxl) { # flip individual pixels according to the box
+ x = pxl[i] % screenWidth
+ y = int(pxl[i] / screenWidth)
+ if(fliph) x = sx + sw - (x - sx) - 1
+ if(flipv) y = sy + sh - (y - sy) - 1
+ rs = rs " " getPos(x, y)
+ }
+ spritemem[sid] = rs # save the updated sprite
+# perform all logic here
+function logicloop(i, dx, dy, adx, ady, cres, deltas) {
+ if(victoryFlag) {
+ showVictory() # show victory banner
+ if(keystatus > 0) return 999 # exit on any key
+ else return 0
+ }
+ else if(gameoverFlag) {
+ showGameover() # show game over banner
+ return 0
+ }
+ dx = dy = adx = ady = 0
+ if(keystatus == 1) dy = -1 # move up
+ else if(keystatus == 2) dy = 1 # move down
+ else if(keystatus == 4) dx = -1 # move left
+ else if(keystatus == 8) dx = 1 # move right
+ # clear the screen buffer
+ for(i=0;i<screenSize;i++) screen[i] = 0
+ split("", moves) # clear the move map
+ # pre-draw the objects for collision detection
+ for(i in walls) drawsprite(i)
+ for(i in enemies) drawsprite(i)
+ for(i in goals) drawsprite(i)
+ for(i in barriers) drawsprite(i)
+ # pre-draw and pre-move all manually movable sprites
+ for(i in players) {
+ drawsprite(i)
+ if(!(i in autos)) moves[i] = dx " " dy
+ }
+ # pre-move all automatically movable sprites
+ for(i in autos) { # key: sid, value: 1248 up down left right
+ adx = ady = 0
+ if(autos[i]%2) ady = -1
+ if(int(autos[i]/2)%2) ady = 1
+ if(int(autos[i]/4)%2) adx = -1
+ if(int(autos[i]/8)%2) adx = 1
+ moves[i] = adx " " ady
+ }
+ # perform all movements with collision detection
+ for(i in moves) { # key: sid, value: dx dy pair
+ split(moves[i], deltas)
+ dx = int(deltas[1]); dy = int(deltas[2])
+ if(dx || dy) { # only do anything if movement is performed
+ cres = collide(i, dx, dy) # run the collision simulator
+ if(cres == 1 || cres == 2) { # unresolvable collision
+ keystatus = 0
+ # don't do anything unless this is an auto-moving sprite
+ if(i in autos) { # reuse adx and ady to save additional results
+ adx = ady = 0
+ if(dx == 0) ady = 1 # only vertical flip
+ else if(dy == 0) adx = 1 # only horizontal flip
+ else { # we need to detect what side we collided with
+ if(collide(i, dx, 0) == cres) adx = 1 # left/right side
+ if(collide(i, 0, dy) == cres) ady = 1 # lower/upper side
+ if(adx == 0 && ady == 0) adx = ady = 1
+ }
+ flipdirection(i, adx, ady) # flip the sprite and its direction
+ while(collide(i, 0, 0) == cres) # we still are in a collision state
+ spritemem[i] = movesprite(i, -dx, -dy)
+ }
+ } else { # no collision or it's resolved
+ if(cres == 3) {gameoverFlag = 1;keystatus = 0}
+ else if(cres == 4) {victoryFlag = 1;keystatus = 0}
+ if(i in spritemem) # sprite still here, move it for real
+ spritemem[i] = movesprite(i, dx, dy)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # sweep all the sprites pending deletion
+ for(i in sweeps) {
+ if(i in spritemem) delete spritemem[i]
+ if(i in players) delete players[i]
+ if(i in goals) delete goals[i]
+ if(i in walls) delete walls[i]
+ if(i in enemies) delete enemies[i]
+ if(i in barriers) delete barriers[i]
+ if(i in moves) delete moves[i]
+ if(i in autos) delete autos[i]
+ if(i in sweeps) delete sweeps[i]
+ }
+ # clear the screen buffer
+ for(i=0;i<screenSize;i++) screen[i] = 0
+ # update the screen buffer in the correct order
+ for(i in walls) drawsprite(i)
+ for(i in enemies) drawsprite(i)
+ for(i in goals) drawsprite(i)
+ for(i in barriers) drawsprite(i)
+ for(i in players) drawsprite(i)
+ return 0 # normal loop iteration
+# entry point code here
+function runmachine(fname) {
+ # clear the arrays
+ split("", screen)
+ split("", spritemem)
+ split("", sweeps)
+ split("", walls) # 7
+ split("", enemies) # 1
+ split("", goals) # 2
+ split("", barriers) # 3
+ split("", players) # 6
+ # load the rom in a clever way:
+ cmd = "png2pnm -n \"" fname "\""
+ cmd | getline pformat
+ if(pformat != "P3") trapout("Invalid image format!")
+ i = 0
+ while((cmd | getline) > 0) { # fill raw image data
+ if(NF > 0)
+ for(j=1;j<=NF;j++)
+ IMGDATA[i++] = int($j)
+ }
+ close(cmd)
+ # the first three values are width, height and maxval
+ screenWidth = IMGDATA[0]
+ screenHeight = IMGDATA[1]
+ mval = IMGDATA[2]
+ # now, convert the image data into the actual field data
+ # according to the terminal color codes:
+ # black 0, red 1, green 2, yellow 3, cyan 6, white 7
+ screenSize = screenWidth * screenHeight
+ goalCount = 0 # green pixel count
+ gameoverFlag = 0 # game over flag
+ victoryFlag = 0 # game victory flag
+ for(i=0;i<screenSize;i++) {
+ j = (i+1) * 3 # base index to read from
+ r = IMGDATA[j]; g = IMGDATA[j+1]; b = IMGDATA[j+2]
+ if(r == 0 && g == 0 && b == 0) screen[i] = 0 # black
+ else if(r == mval && g == 0 && b == 0) screen[i] = 1 # red
+ else if(r == 0 && g == mval && b == 0) screen[i] = 2 # green
+ else if(r == mval && g == mval && b == 0) screen[i] = 3 # yellow
+ else if(r == 0 && g == mval && b == mval) screen[i] = 6 # cyan
+ else if(r == mval && g == mval && b == mval) screen[i] = 7 # white
+ else trapout(sprintf("invalid color %d, %d, %d!", r, g, b))
+ delete IMGDATA[j]; delete IMGDATA[j+1]; delete IMGDATA[j+2]
+ }
+ delete IMGDATA[0]
+ delete IMGDATA[1]
+ delete IMGDATA[2]
+ # now, we have all screen data in screen array
+ buildsprites() # build the spritemem array with all sprites
+ buildautos() # build the autos array with auto-moving sprites
+ # main execution logic starts here
+ altbufon() # enter the alternative screen buffer
+ setterm(3) # enter the non-blocking input mode before the event loop
+ while(1) { # our event loop is here
+ if((key = readkeynb()) > 0) keystatus = key
+ else keystatus = 0
+ if(keystatus == 16) {loopstatus = 888; break}
+ loopstatus = logicloop() # handle all events
+ if(loopstatus > 0) break # break on anomaly
+ drawscreen()
+ a=0
+ for(i=0;i<framecycle;i++) a+=i # sleep on 1/15 sec, more efficiently
+ }
+ if(loopstatus == 888) # game over/restart trigger
+ runmachine(fname) # restart from the beginning on the loop break
+ else return # victory
+# get current Unix timestamp with millisecond precision with various methods
+function timestampms(cmd, res) {
+ cmd = "echo $EPOCHREALTIME"
+ cmd | getline res
+ close(cmd)
+ sub(/[,\.]/,"", res)
+ res = int(res)
+ if(res) return res / 1000 # micro=>milli
+ # otherwise we need to use an alternate, POSIX-compatible method
+ cmd = "date +%s"
+ cmd | getline res
+ close(cmd)
+ return int(res) * 1000 # s=>milli
+# determine the amount of empty cycles needed to fill a single frame
+function hostprofile(i, cps, sc, st, et) {
+ sc = 2000000 # this is an arbitrarily large (but not too large) cycle count
+ do {
+ sc += 200000
+ st = timestampms()
+ a = 0
+ for(i=0;i<sc;i++) a += i
+ et = timestampms()
+ } while(et == st)
+ # now, we have our cps metric
+ cps = 1000 * sc / (int(et) - int(st))
+ # but we need 1/15 second
+ return int(cps / 15)
+ print "Profiling the frame timing..."
+ framecycle = hostprofile() # get the amount of host cycles to skip
+ print "Detected cycles per frame:", framecycle
+ if(ARGC < 2) trapout("no cart .png file specified!")
+ # init some string constants and parameters
+ SCR_CLR = sprintf("\033[2J") # screen clear command
+ SCR_SRESET = sprintf("\033[0m\033[0;0H")
+ KEY_INPUT_STREAM = "od -tu1 -w1 -An -N1 -v"
+ for(c=1;c<ARGC;c++) runmachine(ARGV[c]) # run all arguments sequentially
+ shutdown()
diff --git a/engines/dale-8a b/engines/dale-8a
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit c504f446ee8e6bc57a5ab893d442089404576eae
diff --git a/engines/lvtl.awk b/engines/lvtl.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# LVTL-W: port of LVTL-R to Busybox/GNU AWK in under 130 SLOC
+# should also work in any other AWK version with bitwise operations
+# Usage: [busybox] awk -f lvtl.awk [prog.vtl -]
+# (don't forget the - after the program or LVTL will exit upon preloading)
+# Any program valid for LVTL-W will also run on LVTL-R and LVTL-O and,
+# if it doesn't use bitwise ops, on the original VTL-2 and VTL02 too
+# Differences from the C version of LVTL-R (besides being much slower):
+# - lines are stored in an AWK array where line numbers are keys
+# - maximum line length is not enforced
+# - the variables and array areas are fully separated from line memory
+# - because of all this, & is always 0 and * is always 65535
+# - extra whitespace before and after line numbers is accepted
+# - only LFs are printed instead of CRLFs
+# - strings are allowed in immediate statements
+# Differences from the original VTL-2 for Altair:
+# - both LF and CRLF are accepted (but not saved into RAM)
+# - only LFs are printed instead of CRLFs
+# - maximum line length is not enforced
+# - all whitespace after the line number is fully ignored
+# - any whitespace within expressions is also insignificant
+# - parentheses are NOT auto-closed at the end of the statement
+# - input with ? is NOT evaluated and only numbers are accepted
+# - only 26 characters (A-Z) are valid generic variable names
+# - supports all standard VTL-2 binary operators: +, -, *, /, =, >, <
+# - also supports bitwise operators: & (and), ! (or), # (xor)
+# - jumps to itself (like 10 #=10) are prohibited and counted as nops
+# - no file I/O (only the option to preload VTL code from a file)
+# - self-modifying programs won't work correctly
+# Created by Luxferre in 2023, released into public domain
+# Global arrays and vars: ORD, PROGLINES, VARS, SCRATCH, PROCCHARS
+# fatal error reporter
+function trapout(errmsg) {printf("Fatal error: %s\n", errmsg); exit(1)}
+# read a generic/system variable
+function getvar(varname, c) {
+ res = 0
+ if(varname == "$") { # get a single character from stdin
+ (cmd="c='';read -r -n 1 c;echo \"$c\"") | getline c
+ close(cmd)
+ res = ORD[substr(c,1,1)]
+ }
+ else if(varname == "?") { # get a number from stdin
+ getline c # read the line
+ res = and(int(c), 65535) # cast to 16-bit integer
+ }
+ else if(varname == "'") res = int(rand()*65536) # get a pseudorandom number
+ else if(varname in VARS) res = VARS[varname] # regular or system variable
+ return res
+# set a generic/system variable
+function setvar(varname, value, qi) {
+ if(varname == "$") printf("%c", and(int(value), 255)) # output a character
+ else if(varname == "?") { # output a string or a number
+ if(VARS["\""]) { # we print a string
+ qi = index(value, "\"") # find the ending quote
+ printf("%s", substr(value, 1, qi - 1))
+ # also print LF unless stated otherwise with ; modifier
+ if(substr(value, qi+1, 1) != ";") printf("\n")
+ VARS["\""] = 0 # reset the printing flag
+ }
+ else printf("%u", and(int(value), 65535)) # we print a number, no LF
+ }
+ else if(varname in VARS) { # regular or system variable
+ value = and(int(value), 65535) # cast to 16-bit integer
+ # if the var is #, cache the return address before writing
+ if(varname == "#" && value > 0) VARS["!"] = VARS["#"] + 1
+ VARS[varname] = value # update the value
+ }
+ else trapout("invalid variable name!")
+# strict LTR evaluator
+function evalexpr(expr, tkn, i, l, opex, acc, cop, oprnd, subs, res) {
+ opex = 1
+ res = cop = acc = oprnd = 0
+ l = length(expr) # GAWK doesn't support multi-init in fors, busybox does
+ for(i=1;i<=l;i++) { # token position is stored in i
+ tkn = substr(expr, i, 1) # get a single character token
+ if(tkn == ")") break # ditch the rest of expression
+ if(tkn == " " || tkn == "\t") continue # skip all whitespace
+ if(opex = 1 - opex) { # we expect an operator
+ if(index("+-*/=<>&!#", tkn)) cop = tkn # save the valid operator
+ else trapout(sprintf("unexpected binary operator at %u\n", VARS["#"]))
+ }
+ else { # we expect a value, a variable, a subscript or a subexpr
+ if(tkn == "\"") { # quote immediately prints and returns
+ VARS[tkn] = 1
+ return substr(expr, i+1) # return everything after the quote
+ }
+ # extract and evaluate a parens or subscript expression
+ else if(tkn == ":" || tkn == "(") {
+ subs = evalexpr(substr(expr, i+1)) # process everything after tkn
+ # set the operand to array elem or eval result
+ oprnd = (tkn == ":") ? SCRATCH[subs] : subs
+ i += PROCCHARS # update the outer index
+ }
+ else if(index("0123456789", tkn)) { # it's a digit
+ oprnd = int(substr(expr, i)) # read the integer
+ i += length(oprnd) - 1 # skip the rest
+ }
+ else oprnd = getvar(tkn) # we assume it's a valid variable name
+ # now, perform the calculation - no default branch!
+ if(oprnd < 0) oprnd += 65536 # keep the operand positive
+ oprnd = and(oprnd, 65535) # keep the operand within 16 bits
+ if(cop == 0) acc = oprnd
+ else if(cop == "+") acc += oprnd
+ else if(cop == "-") acc -= oprnd
+ else if(cop == "*") acc *= oprnd
+ else if(cop == "/" && oprnd) {
+ VARS["%"] = acc % oprnd # keep the remainder in the % sysvar
+ acc = int(acc/oprnd)
+ }
+ else if(cop == "=") acc = (acc == oprnd) ? 1 : 0
+ else if(cop == ">") acc = (acc >= oprnd) ? 1 : 0
+ else if(cop == "<") acc = (acc < oprnd) ? 1 : 0
+ else if(cop == "&") acc = and(acc, oprnd)
+ else if(cop == "!") acc = or(acc, oprnd)
+ else if(cop == "#") acc = xor(acc, oprnd)
+ if(acc < 0) acc += 65536 # keep the accumulator positive
+ res = acc = and(acc, 65535) # keep the accumulator within 16 bits
+ }
+ }
+ PROCCHARS = i # because we started from 1
+ return res
+# run the statement
+function exec_stmt(stmt, ln, lcache, lhs, rhs, ei, vn) {
+ lcache = ln # cache the line number
+ ei = index(stmt, "=") # get the first occurrence of =
+ lhs = substr(stmt, 1, ei - 1) # extract LHS as everything before =
+ rhs = substr(stmt, ei + 1) # extract RHS as everything after =
+ if(!length(rhs) || !length(lhs)) return # nop on invalid statements
+ ei = evalexpr(rhs) # evaluate RHS
+ vn = substr(lhs, 1, 1) # extract the varname
+ # evaluate the array subscript and update the array
+ if(vn == ":") SCRATCH[evalexpr(substr(lhs, 2))] = ei
+ else setvar(vn, ei) # update the (pseudo) variable
+ # seek the next statement
+ ln = VARS["#"]
+ # we're starting from interactive mode OR updating the number
+ if((!ln && lcache) || (ln > 0 && ln == lcache)) ln = lcache + 1
+ if(ln > 0) {
+ for(ei=ln;ei<65536;ei++) if(ei in PROGLINES) {ln = ei; break} # search
+ if(ei >= 65536) ln = 0 # line not found
+ VARS["#"] = ln # save the closest line number
+ if(ln) exec_stmt(PROGLINES[ln], ln) # pass new statement for execution
+ }
+BEGIN { # interpreter init
+ "date +%N"|getline rseed;srand(rseed) # init the PRNG
+ PROCCHARS = 0 # global cache to track processed characters
+ for(i=0;i<256;i++) ORD[sprintf("%c", i)] = i # init char-to-ASCII mapping
+ for(i=0;i<26;i++) VARS[sprintf("%c", i+ORD["A"])] = 0 # init the var memory
+ # initialize sysvars
+ VARS["!"] = VARS["\""] = VARS["#"] = VARS["%"] = VARS["&"] = 0
+ VARS["*"] = 65535
+ for(i=0;i<65536;i++) SCRATCH[i] = 0 # initialize the scratch area
+ print "LVTL-W by Luxferre\nPress Ctrl+C to exit\n\nOK"
+{ # main line-by-line processing
+ ln = and(int($1), 65535) # attempt to scan line number (default to 0)
+ if(NF > 1) $1 = "" # prepare to scan the statement
+ gsub(/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/, "") # trim the statement
+ if(ln > 0) { # we have a line number
+ if($0 == "" || $0 == ln) delete PROGLINES[ln] # delete the line
+ else PROGLINES[ln] = $0 # cache the statement
+ }
+ else { # it's an immediate statement
+ if($0 == "0") { # list the program
+ for(i=1;i<65536;i++) # start from 1 because 0 is not a valid line number
+ if(i in PROGLINES) print i, PROGLINES[i] # list the found line
+ }
+ else exec_stmt($0, 0) # pass to immediate execution
+ print "\nOK"
+ }
diff --git a/engines/subleq.awk b/engines/subleq.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#!/sbin/env awk -f
+# POSIX AWK port of Subleq VM (16-bit variant)
+# Accepts .dec files as input
+# Usage: [busybox] awk -f subleq.awk program.dec
+# Created by Luxferre in 2023, released into public domain
+function L(v) { # cast any value to unsigned 16-bit integer
+ v = int(v)
+ while(v < 0) v += 65536
+ return int(v%65536)
+function getchar(c, cmd) { # POSIX-compatible getchar emulation with sh read
+ (cmd="c='';IFS= read -r -n 1 -d $'\\0' c;printf '%u' \"'$c\"") | getline c
+ close(cmd)
+ return int(c)
+ for(pc=0;pc<65536;pc++) MEM[pc] = 0 # init the memory array
+ pc = a = b = c = 0 # reset the program counter and other vars
+# match on any 16-bit signed integer in the .dec file
+{ for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if($i ~ /^[-0-9][0-9]*$/) MEM[pc++] = L($i) }
+END { # start the actual execution
+ for(pc=0;pc<32768;) {
+ a = MEM[pc++]; b = MEM[pc++]; c = MEM[pc++] # fill the cell addresses
+ # -1 in cell A => input to cell B
+ if(a == 65535) MEM[b] = L(getchar())
+ # -1 in cell B => output cell A
+ else if(b == 65535) printf("%c", MEM[a]%256)
+ # main OISC logic here
+ else {
+ MEM[b] = L(MEM[b] - MEM[a]) # subtract the first 2 cells and cast
+ if(MEM[b] == 0 || (MEM[b] > 32767)) pc = c # jump if result <=0
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/engines/tch.awk b/engines/tch.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#!/sbin/env awk -f
+# TCh: the simplest TinyChoice game engine port to POSIX AWK
+# Usage: awk -f tch.awk your-story.txt
+# Controls: respond with a number to go to a particular choice, q to quit
+# Created by Luxferre in 2023, released into public domain
+ curscreen = "" # store the current screen key
+ firstscreen = ""
+ split("", screens) # init the screens map
+ if(ARGC < 2) {print "No input story file!"; exit(1)}
+ while((getline < ARGV[1]) > 0) {
+ if($0 ~ /^=.*=$/) { # header line processing
+ if(curscreen) { # finalize the previous entry
+ gsub(/^\n+/, "", screens[curscreen])
+ gsub(/\n+$/, "", screens[curscreen])
+ } else firstscreen = -999
+ curscreen = tolower(substr($0, 2, length($0)-2))
+ if(firstscreen == -999) firstscreen = curscreen # save the key value
+ } else if(curscreen) screens[curscreen] = screens[curscreen] $0 "\n"
+ }
+ close(ARGV[1])
+ delete ARGV[1]
+ # actual runtime logic
+ curscreen = ("start" in screens) ? "start" : firstscreen
+ while(length(curscreen) > 0) { # get the lines of the current screen
+ l = split(screens[curscreen], lines, "\n")
+ split("", choices) # init the choices array
+ ch = 1 # init the choice number
+ for(i=1;i<=l;i++) { # we must iterate in order
+ line = lines[i]
+ if(index(line, "->") > 0) { # we have a choice spec
+ split(line, rch, /[ \t]*\->[ \t]*/)
+ tlabel = rch[1] # label is before ->
+ tscreen = rch[2] # target screen is after ->
+ gsub(/^[ \t]+/, "", tlabel) # trim leading spaces in the label
+ gsub(/[ \t]+$/, "", tlabel) # trim trailing spaces in the label
+ gsub(/^[ \t]+/, "", tscreen) # trim leading spaces in the ref
+ gsub(/[ \t]+$/, "", tscreen) # trim trailing spaces in the ref
+ if(!(tscreen in screens)) {
+ printf("Invalid reference %s!\n", tscreen)
+ exit(1)
+ }
+ choices[ch] = tscreen
+ printf("%u) %s\n", ch++, tlabel)
+ } else print line # just print the line "as is"
+ }
+ do {
+ printf "\n> "; if((getline) <= 0) break # prompt for the user choice
+ if($1 == "q" || $1 == "Q" || $1 == "quit" || $1 == "QUIT") {
+ print "Bye!"; exit(0)
+ }
+ ch = int($1)
+ } while(!(ch && (ch in choices) && (choices[ch] in screens)))
+ curscreen = choices[ch] # jump to the selected screen
+ }
diff --git a/games/awlite b/games/awlite
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 026c365e50d9e602a5ec22501eb016a3ae515345
diff --git a/games/nnfc b/games/nnfc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 4b5c40b637a7cba26ffbfd3827457fd40c52d422
diff --git a/utils/textereo.awk b/utils/textereo.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Textereo: ASCII stereogram generator in AWK
+# Usage: [busybox] awk -f textereo.awk map.txt
+# Map format:
+# First line: [desired width] [maxpattern length]
+# Second line: alphabet (allowed characters to generate patterns from)
+# Next H lines: depth map, W digits from 0 to 7 without spaces
+# You can insert single zeros or empty lines into the map to adjust height
+# Created by Luxferre in 2023, released into public domain
+function dchar(str, pos) { # delete a character from str at position pos
+ if(!pos) return str
+ else return substr(str, 1, pos - 1) substr(str, pos + 1)
+function ichar(str, pos, c) { # insert a character c into str at position pos
+ return substr(str, 1, pos - 1) c substr(str, pos)
+BEGIN { # we use 95-character subset from ASCII by default
+ "date +%N"|getline rseed;srand(rseed) # init the PRNG
+ getline # read the first line from the file to parse parameters
+ WIDTH = int($1) # desired width of the image to generate
+ PATLEN = int($2) # generated pattern length (must be between 8 and W/2)
+ getline # read the full character set
+ CHARSET = $0
+ if(WIDTH == 0) WIDTH = 78
+ if(PATLEN < 8 || PATLEN > (WIDTH/2)) PATLEN = 10 # 10 to 15 is optimal
+{ # process the map itself
+ j = 0 # set the secondary counter to store previous value
+ FREEBUF = CHARSET # start with the full charset
+ PATBUF = "" # start with empty pattern buffer
+ mapline = $0 # cache the map line
+ RWIDTH = length(mapline); # real pattern width
+ tlen = (WIDTH - RWIDTH) / 2 # trailer AND header length
+ for(i=0;i<tlen;i++) mapline = "0" mapline "0" # grow the line to the width
+ if(length(mapline) > WIDTH) mapline = substr(mapline, 1, WIDTH)
+ for(i=0;i<PATLEN;i++) { # fill in the pattern buffer
+ do # we can repeat the characters in the pattern but not immediately
+ pbc = substr(CHARSET, 1+int(rand()*CHRANGE), 1)
+ while(pbc == j || !length(pbc)) # don't allow empty or repeating chars
+ PATBUF = PATBUF pbc # concatenate the character to the pattern
+ j = pbc # save as the previous value to j
+ # delete this character from the unused buffer
+ FREEBUF = dchar(FREEBUF, index(FREEBUF, pbc))
+ }
+ j = 0 # reset the secondary counter
+ prevlen = PATLEN # cache the previous pattern length
+ maplen = length(mapline)
+ patpos = 0 # track pattern position
+ for(i=0;++i<=maplen;) { # iterate over every character
+ curlen = PATLEN - int(substr(mapline, i, 1)) # extract depth value and length
+ delta = curlen - prevlen
+ if(delta > 0) # add unused characters if decreasing depth value
+ for(j=0;j<delta;j++) {
+ ri = 1+int(rand()*length(FREEBUF)) # get random index
+ rc = substr(FREEBUF, ri, 1) # retrieve the character
+ FREEBUF = dchar(FREEBUF, ri) # delete it from the buffer
+ PATBUF = ichar(PATBUF, 1+patpos, rc) # insert it here
+ }
+ else if(delta < 0) # remove characters if increasing depth value
+ for(j=0;j<-delta;j++)
+ PATBUF = dchar(PATBUF, 1+patpos)
+ prevlen = curlen # update the previous length
+ # now, output the current pattern character
+ printf("%c", substr(PATBUF, 1 + (patpos % curlen), 1))
+ patpos = (patpos + 1) % curlen # update pattern position
+ }
+ printf("\n")
diff --git a/utils/tgl.awk b/utils/tgl.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+# The Great Library of useful AWK functions
+# Fully POSIX-compatible but sometimes depends on other POSIX commands
+# Use with your programs like this:
+# LANG=C awk -f tgl.awk -f your_prog.awk [args]
+# Current functionality:
+# * single character input: setterm, getchar
+# * ASCII and UTF-8 codepoint conversion: ord, wctomb, mbtowc
+# * loading binary files as decimal integers into arrays: loadbin
+# * saving binary files from arrays with decimal integers: savebin
+# * tangent and cotangent functions: tan, cotan
+# * signum, floor and ceiling functions: sign, floor, ceil
+# * test for native bitwise operation support: bw_native_support
+# * reimplementation of most bitwise operations (unsigned 32-bit):
+# - NOT: bw_compl
+# - AND: bw_and
+# - OR: bw_or
+# - XOR: bw_xor
+# - NAND: bw_nand
+# - NOR: bw_nor
+# - >>: bw_rshift
+# - <<: bw_lshift
+# Created by Luxferre in 2023, released into public domain
+# set/restore the terminal input mode using stty
+# usage: setterm(0|1|2|3)
+# 0 - restore the original terminal input mode
+# 1 - blocking single-character input with echo
+# 2 - blocking single-character input without echo
+# 3 - non-blocking single-character input without echo
+# in pipes, this function doesn't do anything
+# (but returns 0 since it's not an error)
+# otherwise an actual stty exit code is returned
+function setterm(mode, cmd) {
+ if(system("stty >/dev/null 2>&1")) return 0 # exit code 0 means we're in a tty
+ if(!TGL_TERMMODE) { # cache the original terminal input mode
+ (cmd = "stty -g") | getline TGL_TERMMODE
+ close(cmd)
+ }
+ if(mode == 1) cmd = "-icanon"
+ else if(mode == 2) cmd = "-icanon -echo"
+ else if(mode == 3) cmd = "-icanon time 0 min 0 -echo"
+ else cmd = TGL_TERMMODE # restore the original mode
+ return system("stty " cmd ">/dev/null 2>&1") # execute the stty command
+# getchar emulation using od
+# caches the read command for further usage
+# also able to capture null bytes, unlike read/printf approach
+# use in conjunction with setterm to achieve different input modes
+# setting LANG=C envvar is recommended, for GAWK it is required
+# usage: getchar() => integer
+function getchar(c) {
+ if(!TGL_GCH_CMD) TGL_GCH_CMD = "od -tu1 -w1 -N1 -An -v" # first time usage
+ TGL_GCH_CMD | getline c
+ close(TGL_GCH_CMD)
+ return int(c)
+# get the ASCII code of a character
+# setting LANG=C envvar is recommended, for GAWK it is required
+# usage: ord(c) => integer
+function ord(c, b) {
+ # init char-to-ASCII mapping if it's not there yet
+ if(!TGL_ORD["#"]) for(b=0;b<256;b++) TGL_ORD[sprintf("%c", b)] = b
+ return int(TGL_ORD[c])
+# encode a single integer UTF-8 codepoint into a byte sequence in a string
+# setting LANG=C envvar is recommended, for GAWK it is required
+# usage: wctomb(code) => string
+# we can safely use the string type for all codepoints above 0 as all
+# multibyte sequences have a high bit set, so no null byte is there
+# for invalid codepoints, an empty string will be returned
+function wctomb(code, s) {
+ code = int(code)
+ if(code < 0 || code > 1114109) s = "" # invalid codepoint
+ else if(code < 128) s = sprintf("%c", code) # single byte
+ else if(code < 2048) # 2-byte sequence
+ s = sprintf("%c%c", \
+ 192 + (int(code/64) % 32), \
+ 128 + (code % 64))
+ else if(code < 65536) # 3-byte sequence
+ s = sprintf("%c%c%c", \
+ 224 + (int(code/4096) % 16), \
+ 128 + (int(code/64) % 64), \
+ 128 + (code % 64))
+ else # 4-byte sequence
+ s = sprintf("%c%c%c%c", \
+ 240 + (int(code/262144) % 8), \
+ 128 + (int(code/4096) % 64), \
+ 128 + (int(code/64) % 64), \
+ 128 + (code % 64))
+ return s
+# decode a byte string into a UTF-8 codepoint
+# setting LANG=C envvar is recommended, for GAWK it is required
+# usage: mbtowc(s) => integer
+# decoding stops on the first encountered invalid byte
+function mbtowc(s, len, code, b, pos) {
+ len = length(s)
+ code = 0
+ for(pos=1;pos<=len;pos++) {
+ code *= 64 # shift the code 6 bits left
+ b = ord(substr(s, pos, 1))
+ if(pos == 1) { # expect a single or header byte
+ if(b < 128) {code = b; break} # it resolves into a single byte
+ else if(b >= 192 && b < 224) # it's a header byte of 2-byte sequence
+ code += b % 32
+ else if(b >= 224 && b < 240) # it's a header byte of 3-byte sequence
+ code += b % 16
+ else if(b >= 240) # it's a header byte of 4-byte sequence
+ code += b % 8
+ else break # a trailer byte in the header position is invalid
+ }
+ else if(b >= 128 && b < 192) # it must be a trailer byte
+ code += b % 64
+ else break # a header byte in the trailer position is invalid
+ }
+ return code
+# load any binary file into an AWK array (0-indexed), depends on od
+# returns the resulting array length
+# usage: loadbin(fname, arr, len, wordsize) => integer
+# len parameter is optional, specifies how many bytes to read
+# (if 0 or unset, read everything)
+# wordsize parameter is optional, 1 byte by default
+# multibyte words are considered little-endian
+function loadbin(fname, arr, len, wordsize, cmd, i) {
+ wordsize = int(wordsize)
+ if(wordsize < 1) wordsize = 1
+ len = int(len)
+ i = (len > 0) ? (" -N" len " ") : ""
+ cmd = "od -tu" wordsize " -An -w" wordsize i " -v \"" fname "\""
+ # every line should be a single decimal integer (with some whitespace)
+ i = 0
+ while((cmd | getline) > 0) # read the next line from the stream
+ if(NF) arr[i++] = int($1) # read the first and only field
+ close(cmd) # close the od process
+ return i
+# save an AWK array (0-indexed) into a binary file
+# setting LANG=C envvar is recommended, for GAWK it is required
+# returns the amount of written elements
+# usage: savebin(fname, arr, len, wordsize) => integer
+# wordsize parameter is optional, 1 byte by default
+# multibyte words are considered little-endian
+function savebin(fname, arr, len, wordsize, i, j) {
+ wordsize = int(wordsize)
+ if(wordsize < 1) wordsize = 1
+ printf("") > fname # truncate the file and open the stream
+ for(i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ if(wordsize == 1) printf("%c", arr[i]) >> fname
+ else # we have a multibyte word size
+ for(j=0;j<wordsize;j++)
+ printf("%c", int(arr[i]/2^(8*j))%256) >> fname
+ }
+ close(fname) # close the output file
+ return i
+# the missing tangent/cotangent functions
+function tan(x) {return sin(x)/cos(x)}
+function cotan(x) {return cos(x)/sin(x)}
+# the missing sign/floor/ceil functions
+function sign(x) {return x < 0 ? -1 : !!x}
+function floor(x, f) {
+ f = int(x)
+ if(x == f) return x
+ else return x >= 0 ? f : (f - 1)
+function ceil(x, f) {
+ f = int(x)
+ if(x == f) return x
+ else return x >= 0 ? (f + 1) : f
+# Bitwise operations section
+# test if the AWK engine has non-POSIX bitwise operation functions
+# (and, or, xor, compl, lshift, rshift) implemented natively:
+# if compl is missing, it will be concatenated with 1 and equal to 1
+# so the inverse of this condition will be the result
+function bw_native_support() {return (compl (1) != 1)}
+# now, the implementation of the operations themselves
+# note that all complements are 32-bit and all operands must be non-negative
+function bw_compl(a) {return 4294967295 - int(a)}
+function bw_lshift(a, b) {for(;b>0;b--) a = int(a/2);return a}
+function bw_rshift(a, b) {for(;b>0;b--) a *= 2;return int(a)}
+function bw_and(a, b, v, r) {
+ v = 1; r = 0
+ while(a > 0 || b > 0) {
+ if((a%2) == 1 && (b%2) == 1) r += v
+ a = int(a/2)
+ b = int(b/2)
+ v *= 2
+ }
+ return int(r)
+function bw_or(a, b, v, r) {
+ v = 1; r = 0
+ while(a > 0 || b > 0) {
+ if((a%2) == 1 || (b%2) == 1) r += v
+ a = int(a/2)
+ b = int(b/2)
+ v *= 2
+ }
+ return int(r)
+function bw_xor(a, b, v, r) {
+ v = 1; r = 0
+ while(a > 0 || b > 0) {
+ if((a%2) != (b%2)) r += v
+ a = int(a/2)
+ b = int(b/2)
+ v *= 2
+ }
+ return int(r)
+function bw_nand(a, b) {return bw_compl(bw_and(a,b))}
+function bw_nor(a, b) {return bw_compl(bw_or(a,b))}