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lvtl.awk (8112B)

      1 # LVTL-W: port of LVTL-R to Busybox/GNU AWK in under 130 SLOC
      2 # should also work in any other AWK version with bitwise operations
      3 #
      4 # Usage: [busybox] awk -f lvtl.awk [prog.vtl -]
      5 # (don't forget the - after the program or LVTL will exit upon preloading)
      6 # 
      7 # Any program valid for LVTL-W will also run on LVTL-R and LVTL-O and,
      8 # if it doesn't use bitwise ops, on the original VTL-2 and VTL02 too
      9 #
     10 # Differences from the C version of LVTL-R (besides being much slower):
     11 # - lines are stored in an AWK array where line numbers are keys
     12 # - maximum line length is not enforced
     13 # - the variables and array areas are fully separated from line memory
     14 # - because of all this, & is always 0 and * is always 65535
     15 # - extra whitespace before and after line numbers is accepted
     16 # - only LFs are printed instead of CRLFs
     17 # - strings are allowed in immediate statements
     18 #
     19 # Differences from the original VTL-2 for Altair:
     20 # - both LF and CRLF are accepted (but not saved into RAM)
     21 # - only LFs are printed instead of CRLFs
     22 # - maximum line length is not enforced
     23 # - all whitespace after the line number is fully ignored
     24 # - any whitespace within expressions is also insignificant
     25 # - parentheses are NOT auto-closed at the end of the statement
     26 # - input with ? is NOT evaluated and only numbers are accepted
     27 # - only 26 characters (A-Z) are valid generic variable names
     28 # - supports all standard VTL-2 binary operators: +, -, *, /, =, >, < 
     29 # - also supports bitwise operators: & (and), ! (or), # (xor)
     30 # - jumps to itself (like 10 #=10) are prohibited and counted as nops
     31 # - no file I/O (only the option to preload VTL code from a file)
     32 # - self-modifying programs won't work correctly
     33 #
     34 # Created by Luxferre in 2023, released into public domain
     36 # Global arrays and vars: ORD, PROGLINES, VARS, SCRATCH, PROCCHARS
     38 # fatal error reporter
     39 function trapout(errmsg) {printf("Fatal error: %s\n", errmsg); exit(1)}
     41 # read a generic/system variable
     42 function getvar(varname, c) {
     43   res = 0
     44   if(varname == "$") { # get a single character from stdin
     45     (cmd="c='';read -r -n 1 c;echo \"$c\"") | getline c
     46     close(cmd)
     47     res = ORD[substr(c,1,1)]
     48   }
     49   else if(varname == "?") { # get a number from stdin
     50     getline c # read the line
     51     res = and(int(c), 65535) # cast to 16-bit integer
     52   }
     53   else if(varname == "'") res = int(rand()*65536) # get a pseudorandom number
     54   else if(varname in VARS) res = VARS[varname] # regular or system variable
     55   return res
     56 }
     58 # set a generic/system variable
     59 function setvar(varname, value, qi) {
     60   if(varname == "$") printf("%c", and(int(value), 255)) # output a character
     61   else if(varname == "?") { # output a string or a number
     62     if(VARS["\""]) { # we print a string
     63       qi = index(value, "\"") # find the ending quote
     64       printf("%s", substr(value, 1, qi - 1))
     65       # also print LF unless stated otherwise with ; modifier
     66       if(substr(value, qi+1, 1) != ";") printf("\n") 
     67       VARS["\""] = 0 # reset the printing flag
     68     }
     69     else printf("%u", and(int(value), 65535)) # we print a number, no LF
     70   }
     71   else if(varname in VARS) { # regular or system variable
     72     value = and(int(value), 65535) # cast to 16-bit integer
     73     # if the var is #, cache the return address before writing
     74     if(varname == "#" && value > 0) VARS["!"] = VARS["#"] + 1
     75     VARS[varname] = value # update the value
     76   }
     77   else trapout("invalid variable name!")
     78 }
     80 # strict LTR evaluator
     81 function evalexpr(expr, tkn, i, l, opex, acc, cop, oprnd, subs, res) {
     82   opex = 1
     83   res = cop = acc = oprnd = 0
     84   l = length(expr) # GAWK doesn't support multi-init in fors, busybox does
     85   for(i=1;i<=l;i++) { # token position is stored in i
     86     tkn = substr(expr, i, 1) # get a single character token
     87     if(tkn == ")") break # ditch the rest of expression
     88     if(tkn == " " || tkn == "\t") continue # skip all whitespace
     89     if(opex = 1 - opex) { # we expect an operator
     90       if(index("+-*/=<>&!#", tkn)) cop = tkn # save the valid operator
     91       else trapout(sprintf("unexpected binary operator at %u\n", VARS["#"]))
     92     }
     93     else { # we expect a value, a variable, a subscript or a subexpr
     94       if(tkn == "\"") { # quote immediately prints and returns
     95         VARS[tkn] = 1
     96         return substr(expr, i+1) # return everything after the quote
     97       }
     98       # extract and evaluate a parens or subscript expression
     99       else if(tkn == ":" || tkn == "(") {
    100         subs = evalexpr(substr(expr, i+1)) # process everything after tkn
    101         # set the operand to array elem or eval result
    102         oprnd = (tkn == ":") ? SCRATCH[subs] : subs
    103         i += PROCCHARS # update the outer index
    104       }
    105       else if(index("0123456789", tkn)) { # it's a digit
    106         oprnd = int(substr(expr, i)) # read the integer
    107         i += length(oprnd) - 1 # skip the rest
    108       }
    109       else oprnd = getvar(tkn) # we assume it's a valid variable name
    110       # now, perform the calculation - no default branch!
    111       if(oprnd < 0) oprnd += 65536 # keep the operand positive
    112       oprnd = and(oprnd, 65535) # keep the operand within 16 bits
    113       if(cop == 0) acc = oprnd
    114       else if(cop == "+") acc += oprnd
    115       else if(cop == "-") acc -= oprnd
    116       else if(cop == "*") acc *= oprnd
    117       else if(cop == "/" && oprnd) {
    118         VARS["%"] = acc % oprnd # keep the remainder in the % sysvar
    119         acc = int(acc/oprnd)
    120       }
    121       else if(cop == "=") acc = (acc == oprnd) ? 1 : 0
    122       else if(cop == ">") acc = (acc >= oprnd) ? 1 : 0
    123       else if(cop == "<") acc = (acc < oprnd) ? 1 : 0
    124       else if(cop == "&") acc = and(acc, oprnd)
    125       else if(cop == "!") acc = or(acc, oprnd)
    126       else if(cop == "#") acc = xor(acc, oprnd)
    127       if(acc < 0) acc += 65536 # keep the accumulator positive
    128       res = acc = and(acc, 65535) # keep the accumulator within 16 bits
    129     }
    130   }
    131   PROCCHARS = i # because we started from 1 
    132   return res
    133 }
    135 # run the statement
    136 function exec_stmt(stmt, ln, lcache, lhs, rhs, ei, vn) {
    137   lcache = ln # cache the line number
    138   ei = index(stmt, "=") # get the first occurrence of =
    139   lhs = substr(stmt, 1, ei - 1) # extract LHS as everything before =
    140   rhs = substr(stmt, ei + 1) # extract RHS as everything after =
    141   if(!length(rhs) || !length(lhs)) return # nop on invalid statements
    142   ei = evalexpr(rhs) # evaluate RHS
    143   vn = substr(lhs, 1, 1) # extract the varname
    144   # evaluate the array subscript and update the array
    145   if(vn == ":") SCRATCH[evalexpr(substr(lhs, 2))] = ei
    146   else setvar(vn, ei) # update the (pseudo) variable
    147   # seek the next statement
    148   ln = VARS["#"]
    149   # we're starting from interactive mode OR updating the number
    150   if((!ln && lcache) || (ln > 0 && ln == lcache)) ln = lcache + 1
    151   if(ln > 0) {
    152     for(ei=ln;ei<65536;ei++) if(ei in PROGLINES) {ln = ei; break} # search
    153     if(ei >= 65536) ln = 0 # line not found
    154     VARS["#"] = ln # save the closest line number
    155     if(ln) exec_stmt(PROGLINES[ln], ln) # pass new statement for execution
    156   }
    157 }
    159 BEGIN { # interpreter init
    160   "date +%N"|getline rseed;srand(rseed) # init the PRNG
    161   PROCCHARS = 0 # global cache to track processed characters
    162   for(i=0;i<256;i++) ORD[sprintf("%c", i)] = i # init char-to-ASCII mapping
    163   for(i=0;i<26;i++) VARS[sprintf("%c", i+ORD["A"])] = 0 # init the var memory
    164   # initialize sysvars
    165   VARS["!"] = VARS["\""] = VARS["#"] = VARS["%"] = VARS["&"] = 0
    166   VARS["*"] = 65535
    167   for(i=0;i<65536;i++) SCRATCH[i] = 0 # initialize the scratch area
    168   print "LVTL-W by Luxferre\nPress Ctrl+C to exit\n\nOK"
    169 }
    171 { # main line-by-line processing
    172   ln = and(int($1), 65535) # attempt to scan line number (default to 0)
    173   if(NF > 1) $1 = "" # prepare to scan the statement
    174   gsub(/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/, "") # trim the statement
    175   if(ln > 0) { # we have a line number
    176     if($0 == "" || $0 == ln) delete PROGLINES[ln] # delete the line
    177     else PROGLINES[ln] = $0 # cache the statement
    178   }
    179   else { # it's an immediate statement
    180     if($0 == "0") { # list the program
    181       for(i=1;i<65536;i++) # start from 1 because 0 is not a valid line number
    182         if(i in PROGLINES) print i, PROGLINES[i] # list the found line
    183     }
    184     else exec_stmt($0, 0) # pass to immediate execution
    185     print "\nOK"
    186   }
    187 }