
My best software created for POSIX AWK
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subleq.awk (1264B)

      1 #!/sbin/env awk -f
      2 # POSIX AWK port of Subleq VM (16-bit variant)
      3 # Accepts .dec files as input
      4 # Usage: [busybox] awk -f subleq.awk program.dec
      5 # Created by Luxferre in 2023, released into public domain
      7 function L(v) { # cast any value to unsigned 16-bit integer
      8   v = int(v)
      9   while(v < 0) v += 65536
     10   return int(v%65536)
     11 }
     13 function getchar(c, cmd) { # POSIX-compatible getchar emulation with sh read
     14   (cmd="c='';IFS= read -r -n 1 -d $'\\0' c;printf '%u' \"'$c\"") | getline c
     15   close(cmd)
     16   return int(c)
     17 }
     19 BEGIN {
     20   for(pc=0;pc<65536;pc++) MEM[pc] = 0 # init the memory array
     21   pc = a = b = c = 0 # reset the program counter and other vars
     22 }
     24 # match on any 16-bit signed integer in the .dec file
     25 { for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if($i ~ /^[-0-9][0-9]*$/) MEM[pc++] = L($i) }
     27 END { # start the actual execution
     28   for(pc=0;pc<32768;) {
     29     a = MEM[pc++]; b = MEM[pc++]; c = MEM[pc++] # fill the cell addresses
     30     # -1 in cell A => input to cell B
     31     if(a == 65535) MEM[b] = L(getchar())
     32     # -1 in cell B => output cell A
     33     else if(b == 65535) printf("%c", MEM[a]%256)
     34     # main OISC logic here
     35     else {
     36       MEM[b] = L(MEM[b] - MEM[a]) # subtract the first 2 cells and cast
     37       if(MEM[b] == 0 || (MEM[b] > 32767)) pc = c # jump if result <=0 
     38     }
     39   }
     40 }