
Tcl-based suite for working with ii/idec protocol
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tiid-user.tcl (1565B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env tclsh
      2 # tiid-user: user management utility for tiid (tii node daemon)
      3 # can work both over HTTP and Gopher/Nex
      4 # Usage: tiid-user.tcl [dbfile] user [username] auth [password] acl [acl]
      5 # if the username doesn't exist, it will be created
      6 # if it does exist, the corresponding fields will be updated
      7 # Depends upon Tcllib and sqlite3
      8 # Created by Luxferre in 2024, released into public domain
     10 package require sqlite3
     11 package require sha256
     13 if {$argc > 2} {
     14   set dbfile [lindex $argv 0]
     15   set kvargs [lrange $argv 1 end]
     16   puts $kvargs
     17   set username ""
     18   set authhash ""
     19   set acl "*"
     20   if {[dict exists $kvargs user]} {
     21     set username [dict get $kvargs user]
     22   }
     23   if {[dict exists $kvargs auth]} {
     24     set rawauth [dict get $kvargs auth]
     25     set authhash [::sha2::sha256 -hex -- [string trim $rawauth]]
     26   }
     27   if {[dict exists $kvargs acl]} {
     28     set acl [dict get $kvargs acl]
     29   }
     30   if {$username ne ""} {
     31     if {$authhash eq ""} { # we're only changing the ACL
     32       set query {UPDATE `auth` SET `posting_acl` = :acl WHERE `username` = :username;}
     33     } else { # we're inserting/updating a user
     34       set query {INSERT INTO `auth` (`username`, `authstrhash`, `posting_acl`)
     35         VALUES (:username, :authhash, :acl)
     36         ON CONFLICT(`username`) DO UPDATE SET `authstrhash` = excluded.`authstrhash`,
     37           `posting_acl` = excluded.`posting_acl`;}
     38     }
     39     sqlite3 db $dbfile
     40     db eval $query
     41     db close
     42     puts "Changes written"
     43   } else {puts "User field is required!"}
     44 } else {puts "DB file and at least one key is required!"}