
Tcl-based suite for working with ii/idec protocol
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README (8484B)

      1 tii: a Tcl-based suite for working with ii/IDEC protocol
      2 ========================================================
      3 This suite implements the client and server sides of the ii/IDEC protocol of
      4 distributed, cross-platform, text-based communication (a FIDOnet successor, so
      5 to speak). See ii-doc.txt for the protocol documentation.
      7 The tii suite requires at least Tcl 8.6 to run. Running it inside starpacks is
      8 possible but not recommended.
     10 It also depends upon SQlite 3.44 and above (3.47 recommended) with the proper
     11 Tcl extension enabled for it..
     13 The tii distribution consists of the following parts:
     15 * tiifetch.tcl: the core ii/IDEC message fetching library and CLI utility
     16 * tiipost.tcl: the core ii/IDEC message posting library and CLI utility
     17 * tiiview.tcl: the CLI viewer of the fetched ii/IDEC messages and conferences
     18 * tii.db: the SQLite3 database that contains all messages and echo lists
     19 * config.txt: the set of parameters for all HTTP requests by the tii scripts
     20 * stations.txt: the list of stations to be auto-fetched by tiifetch when none
     21   of its command-line parameters is passed (not included in the repo)
     22 * auth.txt: the list of station/authstring mappings to be used by tiipost when
     23   posting messages to a particular station (not included in the repo)
     24 * tiix.tcl: the GUI ii/IDEC viewer that also leverages tiifetch and tiipost to
     25   provide fetching and posting functionality
     26 * tiid.tcl: the basic ii/IDEC node software that uses the same DB format
     27 * tiid-user.tcl: user management utility for the tiid node
     29 Readiness status
     30 ----------------
     31 * tiifetch.tcl: ready/tested
     32 * tiipost.tcl: ready/tested
     33 * tiiview.tcl: ready/tested
     34 * tii.db (format): ready/tested
     35 * config.txt (format/fields): ready/tested
     36 * stations.txt (format): ready/tested
     37 * auth.txt (format): ready/tested
     38 * tiix.tcl: ready/testing
     39 * tiid.tcl: ready/testing
     40 * tiid-user.tcl: ready/tested
     41 * Overall status: basically ready, bugfixing in progress
     43 Client usage
     44 ------------
     46 ### Fetching the messages (tiifetch.tcl): ###
     48 tclsh tiifetch.tcl [station_url] [echos] [dbfile]
     50 This command will fetch all messages into the dbfile ("tii.db" in the script
     51 dir by default) from the station_url (can be empty, see below) based on the
     52 echo conference names (can be delimited with slash /, comma (,) or semicolon
     53 (;)) and create the corresponding file structure if it's missing.
     55 Fetching is supported for the following station URL schemes and protocols:
     57 * HTTP (http://)
     58 * HTTPS (https://)
     59 * Gopher (gopher://)
     60 * Gopher over TLS (gophers://)
     61 * Finger (finger://)
     62 * Nex (nex://)
     63 * Spartan (spartan://)
     64 * Gemini (gemini://)
     66 If the station_url parameter is empty or no parameters are passed at all,
     67 tiifetch.tcl will look for a file called stations.txt that lists (each on a
     68 new line) all the station URLs to sync from and the amount of IDs that can
     69 be fetched from a particular station with a single GET request (this amount
     70 can be 12 or more):
     72 https://url1 389
     73 gemini://url2 24
     74 http://url3 12
     76 Messages from all listed stations will be merged into the same echo database.
     77 You also can comment out a station to temporarily stop fetching from it by
     78 prepending the # sign.
     80 ### Viewing the messages from CLI (tiiview.tcl): ###
     82 tclsh tiiview.tcl [echo_name] [filter_string] [line_width] [dbfile]
     84 If the echo_name parameter is passed, this command will write all formatted
     85 messages from the coresponding echo conference to the standard output.
     86 You should pipe this message stream to your $PAGER terminal application, like
     87 less or most. The messages will be formatted according to the filter_string
     88 format (see below). If the filter string is empty or omitted, the messages
     89 will appear in the exact order their IDs appear in the echo conference file.
     91 If the echo_name parameter is empty or no parameters are passed at all, this
     92 command will output the list of echo conferences registered in the dbdir.
     93 The conference list will be alphabetically ordered and the filter_string will
     94 have no effect at all if you pass it.
     96 If the line_width parameter is omitted, the text reflows to 80 chars per line.
     98 If the dbfile is omitted, it defaults to "tii.db" in the script directory.
    100 This component is fully offline and can only work with a compatible message
    101 database that tiifetch.tcl can generate.
    103 The filter string can take one of the following basic forms:
    105 * [number]: only take [number] messages from the head (start) of the list
    106 * r[number]: same but output messages from newest to oldest in the list
    108 If [number] is 0 then it means no message limit.
    109 The reverse operation is always done after limiting the results.
    111 e.g. r50 will output 50 newest messages in the conference, starting from the
    112 most recent one. The default basic value is h0, so no filter applied will mean
    113 outputting all messages from the oldest to the newest.
    115 You can extend the basic form by appending a search regular expression to it,
    116 like this: [form]/[regex]. Note that the regex always applies AFTER the basic
    117 filtering has been done. Also note that the search is done within all fields
    118 of the message. E.g. h100/retro will find the retro-themed messages among the
    119 first 100 of them.
    121 ### Posting the messages from CLI (tiipost.tcl): ###
    123 echo my_post_text | tiipost.tcl station_root_url echo_name msgto subj [repto]
    125 The tiipost.tcl script accepts the message body from the standard input. The
    126 body must be provided in UTF-8 encoding and all command line parameters except
    127 [repto] (reply-to ID) are mandatory.
    129 The script will look for the auth.txt file in its directory, with the format:
    131 station_url_1 password1
    132 station_url_2 password2
    133 ...
    135 If the station root URL matches one of the lines in auth.txt, it automatically
    136 will use the password as the authstring when posting to the station.
    138 On success, tiipost.tcl will output a message that starts with "Success", in
    139 case of an error the line will start with "Error". The server-side description
    140 will follow this success or error status.
    142 As of now, posting is only supported for HTTP/HTTPS station URLs.
    144 HTTP client configuration
    145 -------------------------
    146 For both fetching and posting, you can configure several values in the config
    147 file (config.txt in the script directory, the example is included in the repo)
    148 that will allow you to set HTTP proxy and override the user agent. As of now,
    149 the file is a Tcl dictionary (`key "value"`) and has the following fields:
    151 * useragent: the user agent string to set for all HTTP requests
    152 * proxyhost: the HTTP proxy hostname to use (if empty or omitted, the scripts
    153   will connect directly)
    154 * proxyport: the HTTP port to use on the proxy (only effective if proxyhost is
    155   set to a non-empty string)
    156 * net_timeout: the timeout (in milliseconds) for all network requests
    158 Any of the fields can be omitted, as well as the file itself.
    159 You can also use torsocks with any script invocation in order to fully cloak
    160 your originating IP address.
    162 Server usage
    163 ------------
    164 This section is in progress.
    166 ### Starting the tiid server ###
    168 The tiid.tcl server accepts the following parameters:
    170 tiid.tcl [port] [nodename] [dbfile]
    172 where:
    174 * port (default 8080) is the TCP port to listen to,
    175 * nodename (default "tiid") is the unique node name (needed to fill the fields
    176 like message originating address),
    177 * dbfile (default "tii.db" in the script directory) is your database path.
    179 The tiid server is compatible with all existing HTTP-based clients and also
    180 with the clients that utilize Gopher/Nex transport, like tiifetch/tiix. It has
    181 automatic protocol detection, so both HTTP and Gopher/Nex clients can connect
    182 to the same port.
    184 Although the tii client only can post via HTTP, the tiid server also supports
    185 direct TCP posting with GET-like queries via Gopher/Nex protocols.
    187 ### User management on the tiid server ###
    189 As of now, only manual user management is supported. The simplest way is to
    190 use the included tiid-user.tcl script to perform administrative tasks.
    192 Adding a user or changing its password (auth string):
    194 tiid-user.tcl dbfile user someusername auth SuperSecretAuth123 acl "*"
    196 If you don't supply the acl parameter, it will default to "*".
    198 Changing the list of echos the user can post ("*" means all, "" means none):
    200 tiid-user.tcl dbfile user someusername acl "echo.1,echo.2..."
    202 Note that you need to set up ACL every time you change a user's password.
    204 In both cases, the database file and the user field are mandatory.
    207 Credits
    208 -------
    209 Created by Luxferre in 2024, released into public domain with no warranties.