
no-nonsense shell script colection for Linux-based environments
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ghmd.sh (6071B)

      1 #!/bin/sh
      2 # GHMD is a shell script for setting up any of the following things:
      3 # 1) a Git user on a remote instance (initial setup)
      4 # 2) a private Git repo on the remote instance
      5 # 3) a public Git repo using git:// protocol on the remote instance (if it uses systemd)
      6 # 4) Git daemon (serving git:// protocol) on the remote instance
      7 # 5) access via the Git daemon to individual repositories
      8 # 6) repository description and clone URL for some services like stagit
      9 # Usage: ghmd.sh [newsrv | newrepo | gitd-sd | gitd-publish | gitd-unpublish | set-repo-desc | set-repo-url | set-repo-owner] user@host [name] ("[desc|url]")
     10 # regardless of the actions, the user must have root permissions
     11 # prerequisite: git package must be already installed on the server
     12 # Created by Luxferre in 2024, released into public domain
     14 GITUSR="git"
     15 PARAM="$1"
     16 USERHOST="$2"
     17 THOST="${USERHOST##*@}"
     18 SSHCMD="ssh $USERHOST" # instance ssh cmd
     20 help() {
     21 cat <<EOF
     22 GHMD: single shell script for self-hosted Git repository management
     24 Initialize Git user on a new server (must have Git installed):
     26 $0 newsrv root@hostname
     28 Create a new Git repository (e.g. git@hostname:myrepo.git):
     30 $0 newrepo root@hostname myrepo
     32 Set up Git protocol daemon (if the host is running systemd):
     34 $0 gitd-sd root@hostname
     36 Publish an existing Git repository on the daemon (e.g. git://hostname/myrepo.git):
     38 $0 gitd-publish root@hostname myrepo
     40 Unpublish an existing Git repository on the daemon:
     42 $0 gitd-unpublish root@hostname myrepo
     44 Set the (displayed) description of an existing Git repository:
     46 $0 set-repo-desc root@hostname myrepo "This is a cool repo"
     48 Set the (displayed) clone URL of an existing Git repository:
     50 $0 set-repo-url root@hostname myrepo git://hostname/myrepo.git
     52 Set the (displayed) owner name of an existing Git repository:
     54 $0 set-repo-owner root@hostname myrepo "Me, the Author"
     56 Created by Luxferre in 2024, released into public domain
     57 EOF
     58 }
     60 case "$PARAM" in
     61   "help")
     62     help
     63     ;;
     64   "newsrv") # set up Git user on the server
     65     [[ -z "$USERHOST" ]] && echo "Error: no user and hostname!" && exit 1
     66     $SSHCMD "useradd ${GITUSR}; passwd ${GITUSR}; mkdir -p /home/${GITUSR}/.ssh; echo 'no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty' > /home/${GITUSR}/.ssh/authorized_keys; chown -R ${GITUSR} /home/${GITUSR}/.ssh"
     67     echo "Now, you'll need to enter the newly created ${GITUSR} user password:"
     68     ssh-copy-id ${GITUSR}@${THOST}
     69     $SSHCMD "chsh $GITUSR -s $(which git-shell)"
     70     echo "Git user set up on ${THOST}. Now use $0 newrepo ${GITUSR}@${THOST} [name] to set up new Git repos"
     71     ;;
     72   "newrepo") # set up a new Git repo
     73     [[ -z "$USERHOST" ]] && echo "Error: no user and hostname!" && exit 1
     74     REPONAME="$3"
     75     [[ -z "$REPONAME" ]] && echo "Error: no repository name!" && exit 1
     76     REPODIR="${REPONAME}.git"
     77     FULLREPODIR="/home/${GITUSR}/$REPODIR"
     78     $SSHCMD "mkdir -p $FULLREPODIR;cd $FULLREPODIR;git init --bare --shared;chown -R ${GITUSR}:${GITUSR} ." 
     79     echo "Empty repository created at ${USERHOST}:${REPODIR}"
     80     ;;
     81   "set-repo-desc") # set the repo description for some services
     82     [[ -z "$USERHOST" ]] && echo "Error: no user and hostname!" && exit 1
     83     REPONAME="$3"
     84     [[ -z "$REPONAME" ]] && echo "Error: no repository name!" && exit 1
     85     VALUE="$4" # it may be empty
     86     REPODIR="${REPONAME}.git"
     87     FULLREPODIR="/home/${GITUSR}/$REPODIR"
     88     $SSHCMD "cd $FULLREPODIR;echo \"$VALUE\" > description;chown -R ${GITUSR}:${GITUSR} description" 
     89     echo "Description set for ${REPODIR}"
     90     ;;
     91   "set-repo-url") # set the repo clone URL for some services
     92     [[ -z "$USERHOST" ]] && echo "Error: no user and hostname!" && exit 1
     93     REPONAME="$3"
     94     [[ -z "$REPONAME" ]] && echo "Error: no repository name!" && exit 1
     95     VALUE="$4" # it may be empty
     96     REPODIR="${REPONAME}.git"
     97     FULLREPODIR="/home/${GITUSR}/$REPODIR"
     98     $SSHCMD "cd $FULLREPODIR;echo \"$VALUE\" > url;chown -R ${GITUSR}:${GITUSR} url" 
     99     echo "Clone URL set for ${REPODIR}"
    100     ;;
    101   "set-repo-owner") # set the repo owner name for some services
    102     [[ -z "$USERHOST" ]] && echo "Error: no user and hostname!" && exit 1
    103     REPONAME="$3"
    104     [[ -z "$REPONAME" ]] && echo "Error: no repository name!" && exit 1
    105     VALUE="$4" # it may be empty
    106     REPODIR="${REPONAME}.git"
    107     FULLREPODIR="/home/${GITUSR}/$REPODIR"
    108     $SSHCMD "cd $FULLREPODIR;echo \"$VALUE\" > owner;chown -R ${GITUSR}:${GITUSR} owner" 
    109     echo "Owner name set for ${REPODIR}"
    110     ;;
    111   "gitd-sd") # set up the Git daemon using a systemd unit
    112     [[ -z "$USERHOST" ]] && echo "Error: no user and hostname!" && exit 1
    113     TMPUNIT="/tmp/git-daemon.service"
    114 cat << EOF > $TMPUNIT
    115 [Unit]
    116 Description=Start Git Daemon
    118 [Service]
    119 ExecStart=/usr/bin/git daemon --reuseaddr --base-path=/home/${GITUSR} /home/${GITUSR}
    120 Restart=always
    121 RestartSec=500ms
    122 StandardOutput=syslog
    123 StandardError=syslog
    124 SyslogIdentifier=git-daemon
    125 User=$GITUSR
    126 Group=$GITUSR
    128 [Install]
    129 WantedBy=multi-user.target
    130 EOF
    131     scp $TMPUNIT ${USERHOST}:/etc/systemd/system/git-daemon.service
    132     $SSHCMD "systemctl enable git-daemon; systemctl start git-daemon"
    133     echo "Git daemon installed on ${THOST} via systemd"
    134     rm -f $TMPUNIT
    135     ;;
    136   "gitd-publish") # make a repository public via the Git daemon
    137     [[ -z "$USERHOST" ]] && echo "Error: no user and hostname!" && exit 1
    138     REPONAME="$3"
    139     [[ -z "$REPONAME" ]] && echo "Error: no repository name!" && exit 1
    140     REPODIR="${REPONAME}.git"
    141     ACCFILE="/home/${GITUSR}/${REPODIR}/git-daemon-export-ok"
    142     $SSHCMD "touch $ACCFILE; chown $GITUSR $ACCFILE"
    143     echo "Repository git://${THOST}/$REPODIR made public"
    144     ;;
    145   "gitd-unpublish") # revoke repository publishing via the Git daemon
    146     [[ -z "$USERHOST" ]] && echo "Error: no user and hostname!" && exit 1
    147     REPONAME="$3"
    148     [[ -z "$REPONAME" ]] && echo "Error: no repository name!" && exit 1
    149     REPODIR="${REPONAME}.git"
    150     ACCFILE="/home/${GITUSR}/${REPODIR}/git-daemon-export-ok"
    151     $SSHCMD "rm -f $ACCFILE"
    152     echo "Repository git://${THOST}/$REPODIR made private"
    153     ;;
    154   *)
    155     help
    156 esac