
A tiny VoIP IVR framework by hackers, for hackers
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config.yaml (1312B)

      1 ---
      2 # SIP client configuration for incoming calls
      3 sip:
      4   host:
      5   port: 5060
      6   transport: udp # not used for now, UDP is the only option
      7   username: 'exampleuser'
      8   password: 'examplepass123'
      9   rtpPortLow: 10000
     10   rtpPortHigh: 20000
     12 # TTS engine configuration
     13 tts:
     14   cmd: 'espeak -v us-mbrola-2 -a 70 -p 60 -s 130 -w %s "%s"' # parameter order: filename, text
     15   phrases: # key is the clip name, value is the text
     16     passprompt: 'Please enter your pin followed by pound after the beep.'
     17     cmd: 'Please enter your command, ending with pound.'
     18     invalidpass: 'Invalid pin, bye!'
     19     nocmd: 'Command not found.'
     21 # static audio clips configuration
     22 clips:
     23   dir: './clips'
     24   files: # in addition to the ones generated from phrases
     25     beep: 'beep.wav'
     27 # IVR configuration
     28 ivr:
     29   auth: true # set to false to disable user PINs and go straight to actions (not recommended)
     30   authpromptclips: [passprompt, beep] # sequence of authentication prompt audio clips
     31   authfailclips: [invalidpass]
     32   cmdfailclips: [nocmd]
     33   cmdpromptclips: [cmd]
     34   users: # user PINs and supported actions, '*' means all
     35     '3105': '*'
     36     '3246': ['32']
     37   actions: # all registered actions: command => script filename
     38     '32': './actions/'
     39     '22': './actions/'
     40     '24': './actions/'