
A better Gopher client in pure Bash
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      1 #!/bin/bash
      2 # A simple helper tool to create valid Gophermap info lines from the standard input
      3 # Features:
      4 # - implemented in pure Bash and doesn't depend on wc (that can have a non-standard implementation)
      5 # - aligns the spaces according to the longest line so that the output would look nice in plaintext too
      6 # - doesn't do any heuristics but allows you to specify the amount of leading and trailing spaces (0 by default)
      7 # - allows visual selector/host placeholder customization (';' by default)
      8 # - converts LF-only line endings to CRLF (as required by the RFC) without unix2dos dependency
      9 # - only outputs to stdout (but you can redirect it into a file if you need to)
     10 #
     11 # Usage: cat [file] | [leading_spaces] [trailing_spaces] [placeholder_char]
     12 #
     13 # Created by Luxferre in 2023, released into public domain
     15 LSPACES="$1"
     16 TSPACES="$2"
     17 DELIM="$3"
     19 TAB=$'\t'
     20 CRLF=$'\r\n'
     22 [[ -z "$LSPACES" ]] && LSPACES=0
     23 [[ -z "$TSPACES" ]] && TSPACES=0
     24 [[ -z "$DELIM" ]] && DELIM=';'
     26 readarray -t LINES -d $'\n' # read the input line array (split by LF)
     27 LINECOUNT=${#LINES[@]} # get the array length
     28 MAXLEN=0 # initialize the maximum length variable
     29 for ((idx=0;idx<LINECOUNT;idx++)); do # first pass to filter out inconsistent newlines and to detect maximum length
     30   line="${LINES[$idx]%%$'\r'}" # remove a trailing CR if it is there
     31   llen=${#line} # get the line length
     32   (( llen > MAXLEN )) && MAXLEN=$llen # update the current maximum length
     33   LINES[$idx]="$line" # update the element by index
     34 done
     35 fmtstr="%-$(( LSPACES + 1 ))s%-$(( MAXLEN + TSPACES ))s${TAB}%s${TAB}%s${TAB}0${CRLF}" # params: i, line, DELIM, DELIM
     36 for line in "${LINES[@]}"; do # second pass to actually output the formatted lines
     37   printf "$fmtstr" 'i' "$line" "$DELIM" "$DELIM"
     38 done