
A better Gopher client in pure Bash
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      1 #!/bin/bash
      2 # A simple helper tool to create a formatted and CRLF-terminated plaintext from the Gemtext passed via standard input
      3 #
      4 # Usage: cat [file] | [page_width] [leading_spaces] [trailing_spaces]
      5 # (pass 0 as the reflow width if you want to pass the other parameters but don't want to turn on reflow logic)
      6 #
      7 # Created by Luxferre in 2023, released into public domain
      9 shopt -s extglob # enable extended pattern matching (just to be sure)
     11 TARGET_WIDTH="$1"
     12 LSPACES="$2"
     13 TSPACES="$3"
     15 SPC=$'\x20'
     17 [[ -z "$TARGET_WIDTH" ]] && TARGET_WIDTH=0 # reflow off by default
     18 [[ -z "$LSPACES" ]] && LSPACES=0
     19 [[ -z "$TSPACES" ]] && TSPACES=0
     21 FORMAT_WIDTH=0 # make formatting width distinct from the target reflow width
     22 (( TSPACES > 0 )) && FORMAT_WIDTH="$TARGET_WIDTH" # and only use it if there are trailing spaces
     24 reflowfmt="%-$(( LSPACES ))s%-${FORMAT_WIDTH}s%-$(( TSPACES ))s\n" # params: smth, line, smth
     26 reflow_line() { # single-line logic from, adapted into a function and separating by LF only
     27   local line="$1"
     28   local llen="${#line}" # get effective line length
     29   if (( 0 == TARGET_WIDTH || llen < TARGET_WIDTH )); then # no need to run the logic for smaller lines or if TARGET_WIDTH is 0
     30     printf "$reflowfmt" '' "$line" ''
     31     return
     32   fi
     33   local lastws=0 # variable to track last whitespace
     34   local cpos=0 # variable to track current position within the page line
     35   local pagepos=0 # variable to track the position of new line start
     36   local outbuf='' # temporary output buffer
     37   local c='' # temporary character buffer
     38   for ((i=0;i<llen;i++,cpos++)); do # start iterating over characters
     39     c="${line:i:1}" # get the current one
     40     if (( cpos >= TARGET_WIDTH )); then # we already exceeded the page width
     41       (( lastws == 0 )) && lastws=$TARGET_WIDTH # no whitespace encountered here
     42       printf "$reflowfmt" '' "${outbuf:0:$lastws}" '' # truncate the buffer
     43       outbuf=''
     44       pagepos=$(( pagepos + lastws ))
     45       cpos=0
     46       lastws=0
     47       i=$pagepos # update current iteration index from the last valid whitespace
     48     else # save the whitespace position if found
     49       [[ "$c" == "$SPC" ]] && lastws="$cpos"
     50       outbuf="${outbuf}${c}" # save the character itself
     51     fi
     52   done
     53   [[ ! -z "$outbuf" ]] && printf "$reflowfmt" '' "$outbuf" '' # output the last unprocessed chunk
     54 }
     56 readarray -t LINES -d $'\n' # read the input line array (split by LF)
     57 for line in "${LINES[@]}"; do # iterate over the read text
     58   line="${line%%$'\r'}" # remove a trailing CR if it is there
     59   if [[ "${line:0:2}" == $'=>' ]]; then # we have a linkable resource
     60     linkline="${line##=>*([[:blank:]])}" # remove the link signature and any leading whitespace
     61     linkurl="${linkline%%[[:blank:]]*}" # treat anything until the next whitespace (or the end of line) as a URL
     62     linkdesc="${linkline##${linkurl}*([[:blank:]])}" # remove the URL and any other leading whitespace to get the description
     63     linkdesc="${linkdesc%%*([[:blank:]])}" # remove any trailing whitespace from the description
     64     targetlink="$(printf '%s: %s' "$linkdesc" "$linkurl")" # reformat the link
     65     rlink="$(reflow_line "$targetlink")" # reflow the final link text
     66     printf '%s\r\n' "${rlink%%$'\n'}" # remove a trailing LF if it is there, but then add CRLF
     67   else # we have an info line
     68     infoline='' 
     69     [[ "${line:0:3}" != $'```' ]] && infoline="$line" # ignore the preformatting togglers, pass everything else
     70     readarray -t reflowed_lines -d $'\n' < <(reflow_line "$infoline")
     71     for rline in "${reflowed_lines[@]}"; do # iterate over the reflowed line parts
     72       printf '%s\r\n' "$rline"
     73     done
     74   fi
     75 done # file output finished